22 May 2017

Correspondence of Imaginary Places

Opening Friday 26 May to Sunday 18 June

Curated by Alex Wisser, Sarah Breen Lovett, Scott Seabolt, Jill O’Bryan & Kate Ruck  

The Correspondence of Imaginary Places is a partnered exhibition between ArticulateUpstairs and Cuchifritos Gallery in New York City. There will be a live link up artist talk at the opening of the two events taking place with a Champagne Breakfast at ArticulateUpstairs opening 8.30-11.30am Saturday 27th May. The exhibitions will run simultaneously until 18th of  June.
A publication documenting the artworks will also be launched at the exhibitions’ openings.

This exhibition is of material produced as part of a wider, international partnership called The Correspondence of Imaginary Places (CoIP) between ABC No Rio in New York and the Cementa17 art festival in Kandos, NSW, Australia. The CoIP artists explored how we imagine places we have never visited, by creating works in distant locations through dialogue with another artist on-site. 

The creation of the artworks took place in two stages with two groups of artists: seven at ABC NoRio, in Manhattan, paired with seven artists at Cementa17, near Kandos, NSW, Australia.

In the first stage March 2017, each Australian artist directed an instructional artwork for their American artist-partner to manifest, perform and document somewhere in Manhattan. The second stage, 6-9th April 2017 inverted the relationship with each American artist directing their Australian artist-partner to manifest an artwork at Birds Hut Ganguddy in the rural landscape near Kandos as part of Cementa 17 Fest
CoIP investigates cultural realities of navigating a global society across the real and imagined conceptual, environmental and socio-political distances that it spans.
CoIP was conceived by Alex Wisser (Aust) and Scott Seabolt (US) and is curated by: Alex Wisser and Sarah Breen Lovett in Australia; along with Scott Seabolt, Jill O’Bryan and Kate Ruck as Curatorial Assistant in America.
Selected exhibiting American/Australian artist pairs are:
Melissa Staiger & Margaret Roberts

This project was assisted by a grant from Arts NSW, an agency of the New South Wales Government and supported by the Visual Arts and Craft Strategy, an initiative of the Australian State and Territory Governments. The program is administered by the National Association for the Visual Arts (NAVA).